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SBALT celebrates 30 years of preserving local agricultural lands
November 1, 2023, Mission Village Voice
On November 29, 1993, San Benito Agricultural Land Trust's Articles of Incorporation were filed with the California Secretary of State.

How Conservation Land Trusts Protect California Landscapes for Generations to Come
October 15, 2023, California Local
From the snow-capped Sierra Nevada to the rolling hills of the Central Valley, and all the way to the redwoods by the sea, California contains a diverse abundance of stunning natural landscapes.

Harvesting nature's bounty: Collecting seeds from native plants
October 1, 2023, Mission Village Voice
Native plants are the unsung heroes of our ecosystems, perfectly adapted to local climates and conditions. They provide essential habitat for wildlife, support biodiversity, and offer a glimpse into the natural heritage of a region.

San Benito County gets $758K for wildfire resilience
September 1, 2023, Mission Village Voice
In a concerted effort to enhance wildfire resilience and mitigate the devastating impacts of increasingly frequent wildfires...

San Benito County gets $758K for wildfire resilience
August 10, 2023 Hollister Freelance
The State Coastal Conservancy earlier this summer approved $758,000 to fund a San Benito Wildfire Regional Prioritization Plan...

Phil Foster Ranch fully protected forever
August 1, 2023 Mission Village Voice
Strawberries. Leeks. Canary Melons. Tomatoes. Basil. Walnuts. Apple juice. That is a sample of what you can buy from Pinnacle Organically Grown Produce...

SBALT takes title to the Historic Harvey and Gladys Nyland Property
July 1, 2023 Mission Village Voice
On June 1, after managing the land for 20 months, your local San Benito Agricultural Land Trust (SBALT) took title to the Nyland property.

Land trusts announce formal conveyance of Nyland Property
June 20, 2023, BenitoLink
Trust for Public Land along with local land trust partners including the San Benito Agricultural Land Trust...
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Join SBALT for May 7th Ranch Day Hike on Nyland
May 1, 2023, Mission Village Voice
For our May Ranch Day, Kim Johnson from R.E.A.C.H. San Benito Parks Foundation ("REACH") will lead a hike on Nyland.
April 1, 2023, Mission Village Voice
March 21st was the 50th anniversary of National Ag Day, AND the beginning of spring!
February 1, 2023, Mission Village Voice
The Carmel River came through my home in the early hours of February 3,1998. At the same time, the town of Pajaro, near Watsonville
January 1, 2023, Mission Village Voice
Happy New Year from all of us at SBALT! 2023 is a big milestone for us, because the land trust will turn 30 years old on November 29th!
December 1, 2022, Mission Village Voice
This fall or winter, the Central Coast Prescribed Burn Association (CCPBA)'s goal is to reintroduce beneficial fire to a small area on the Trust for Public Land's Nyland Property in San Juan Bautista, weather and other conditions permitting.
November 1, 2022, Mission Village Voice
Phil Foster walks with a shovel on his property in San Juan Bautista. Following him is a group of SBALT supporters (donors and volunteers), eager to learn about the sustainable practices he has employed for three decades.
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